"Our core desire is to provide our best efforts towards helping the community in ways through volunteering for those in need, presenting God’s word, and gathering like-minded individuals to further God’s kingdom. "
- I.I.M President
Why Support Our Efforts?
One of the biggest and most purposeful missions in life is to be able to find a place where we belong and share our needs as well as our faith. It Is Manna was founded in 2018 with the mission to establish a passionate community of Christian believers that have discerned their choices and their way of life to ensure that the future generations experience Christianity in its truest form. We believe that by creating a skillful cohesive community, where we not only fellowship but also educate each other with God’s word, will inevitably nurture awareness and positive self-development.
We want to create a space where all members can come together to engage in exclusive activities, training, and programs where they can dive deeper into exploring the numerous possibilities that being a believer entails.
We are here to ask for your help with funding to create and maintain the following programs:
Online Biblical Education
Online course platform
Operational expenses
Research & Development
Missionary Work
Food & Clothing
Hygiene materials
Free Biblical materials
Fellowship Events
Venue expenses
Marketing materials
Successful establishment of these programs will provide spiritual growth to all who are committed and mirror a similar sense of purpose. With your assistance, we will be able to expand our non-profit organization from Texas to around the globe.
We’re thankful for your tax-exempt contributions of any amount, as each dollar can collectively change the lives of others which is a true reflection of God’s grace, love, and mercy.
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. - 2 Cor. 9:7
If God has placed it on your heart to give, then don’t delay. If there was ever an opportune time to make a difference in our world, it is now! We encourage you to take this leap of faith and be a blessing to our organization.
"Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so."
-Proverbs 3:27
Love to help, but are unable to donate at this time? Please share this post with your family and friends today!
Together we will open doors to endless opportunities.